- Vreau sa fac dragoste cu tine!
- De ce?
- Pentru ca suntem tineri si viata e frumoasa!
- Dar tu nu stiai ca dragoste,faci doar cu cineva la care tii?Tu nu ma iubesti.
- Dar iti iubesc munca,arta.
- Nu e acelasi lucru.
- Bun.Toate poeziile sunt scrise de tine,nu?Fac parte din tine...
- Da,sunt scrise de mine,si da fac parte din mine.
- Pai vezi,iubesc ceea ce scrii,iubesc parti din tine.
- Nu e acelasi lucru,imi pare rau,dar trebuie sa te refuz.
- Bine,atunci hai sa facem dragoste prin cuvinte,asa ca intre poeti.
- Cum vine asta?
- Foarte usor,eu iti scriu cuvinte frumoase,si si tu,la randul tau,imi scrii cuvinte frumoase.
- Ca si cum tu mi-ai fii muza?
- Exact!
And no translated :)
- I want to make love to you!
- Why?
- Because we are young and life is beautiful!
- But didnt you knew that you make love only with someone you care about and love? You do not love me.
- But I love your work, art.
- It's not the same thing.
- Good.All your poems are written by you,and they are parts of you ...
- Yes, they are written by me, and yes they are parts of me.
- Well, see,I love what you write, I love parts of you.
- It's not the same thing, I'm sorry, but I must refuse.
- Well, let's make love in words, just like between poets.
- How come?
- Very easy, I write to you nice words, and you too, in return, write nice words to me.
- As if you did you are my muse?
- Exactly!
Mi-a venit pur si simplu in minte.Personajul feminin sunt eu.Personajul masculin,nu exista./It just camed into my mind.The feminin character it's me.The male character does not exists.